Saturday, September 13, 2008

C'est la Vie

That's life... Sometimes nothing exciting or interesting happens in a day. The day comes and goes with no real meaning in it. It's a day you'll probably forget in as little as a week. Sometimes I think its a waste of a day, as if I were wasting my life. But then I remember a quote I heard from Into the Woods. "If life were made of moments, even now and then a bad one, but if life were only moments, then you'd never known you had one." When I hear that quote I am reminded that sometimes there are days that have to be boring. If there wasn't, you would never know what boring or interesting or exciting really was.

So I ask my readers (I hope to get some soon...), do you try to make the most of your day everyday? Or do you let yourself unwind now and then and waste time and let the world go by.

As always feel free to leave a comment!

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