Thursday, September 25, 2008


Today, I learned that being confident pays off.

I recently had a seemingly random experience where I met a girl and I took a risk for once. I held a conversation with her and later, asked her out to lunch. She responded enthusiastically and I realized that my risk had paid off.

Now, I know that lunch with a girl is nothing to get to excited about, and that it has no actual meaning as to whether she likes me as more than a friend, but the actual gesture showed me that taking risks and being confident pays off.

This new found confidence within me has given me the courage to do bolder things than I normally would not have, and so far I feel that has made all the difference in the world. I can only hope that things continue to go well with this girl. However, if they don't I will still have learned one thing...

It is better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

C'est la Vie

That's life... Sometimes nothing exciting or interesting happens in a day. The day comes and goes with no real meaning in it. It's a day you'll probably forget in as little as a week. Sometimes I think its a waste of a day, as if I were wasting my life. But then I remember a quote I heard from Into the Woods. "If life were made of moments, even now and then a bad one, but if life were only moments, then you'd never known you had one." When I hear that quote I am reminded that sometimes there are days that have to be boring. If there wasn't, you would never know what boring or interesting or exciting really was.

So I ask my readers (I hope to get some soon...), do you try to make the most of your day everyday? Or do you let yourself unwind now and then and waste time and let the world go by.

As always feel free to leave a comment!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where Has All The Game Time Gone?

I was talking to a mailman today while waiting for the bus about how much time we used to play video games. It was then that I realized that I barely play at all anymore unless I purposefully put aside time to play.

I started to wonder why I have to force myself to play games nowadays. Is it because I don't enjoy them as much as I did when I was a kid? Probably not. Do I not have enough time to play anymore with my busy college schedule? No that wasn't the case because I thought about how little I played over the summer. Then I came up with the solution. I'm not able to find new games that engage me anymore. I research games before they come out to see if I want to buy them. After reading into them, I don't give most of them a chance due to some issue I heard the game has. I've become a picky gamer.

Now that I realize this, I hope to give more games a chance before I just write them off and do something else. Who knows? Maybe I'll find a new engaging experience I didn't know I could have.

Do you spend time playing as many games as you used to? Even if it's not video games, how much time do you put into having fun as you get older and older?

Feel free to leave comments!

Music Thursdays!

This year I am singing in a group called the Music Makers. We meet every Thursday night and I practically count down the days to when I get to sing again each week!

Now for those of you who don't know me, and none of you do because this is my first post ever, I plan on using this blog to post about relevant issues in my life. Any topic could come up here. I will probably often post about music, gaming, and maybe even my ongoing search for a decent girlfriend.

Here is hoping for a good blog!

Feel free to post comments! Even ask me questions!